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Pratidhwani Announces Auditions for ‘Ballabhpur Ki Roopkatha’ (Hindi)
Pratidhwani is announcing auditions for a play in Hindi, BALLABHPUR KI ROOPKATHA (बल्लभपुर की रूपकथा) by Badal Sarkar, to be staged August 4th-13th, 2023, at Ethnic Cultural Theatre, UW, Seattle. The Play will be directed by Agastya Kohli.
Prior theater experience is preferred, but not required. However, dedication and reliability is a must. You must be able to speak and read Hindi (in Devnagari).
Auditions will consist of reading from the script. Monologues, resumes and headshots are welcome, but optional. Call backs will be held if needed, and announced at a later time. Rehearsals will begin in mid May.
Three audition dates are available. Actors need to sign up for only one slot, on any of the three days.
Day1: Sat April 29th - 11am to 2:30pm - Lake Forest Park Library, Meeting Room
Day2: Tue May 2nd - 5:30pm to 7pm - Bellevue Library, Room 1
Day3: Wed May 3rd - 5:30pm to 7pm - Mercer Island Library, Large Meeting Room
Auditions are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment,
Please visit and signup for any ONE of the available slots.
Character breakdown as below.
भूपति: पुरुष, अविवाहित, बल्लभपुर का राजा, दातों का डाक्टर
संजीवनी: स्त्री , अविवाहित, दातों की डाक्टर, भूपति की कौलेज की सहेली
मनोहर: पुरुष, भूपति के महल में कर्मचारी, भूपति का चीफ़ औफ़ स्टाफ़
श्रीनाथ: शहर में व्यापारी, दुकानदार
साहू: शहर में व्यापारी, दुकानदार
पवन: शहर में व्यापारी, दुकानदार
हालदार: पुरुष, धनी उद्योगपति, महल खरीदने को आतुर
स्वपना: स्त्री, हालदार की पत्नी, छंदा की माँ
छंदा: स्त्री, अविवाहित, हालदार और स्वपना की बेटी
चौधरी: पुरुष, एक और उद्योगपति, हालदार का व्यापार में प्रतिस्पर्धी
If you are interested in learning more about Pratidhwani or for more information regarding these auditions, please contact us at or visit our website