Stage Review - Letters of Suresh (ReAct / Pratidhwani)
May 8, 2024
Greg Heilman reviews Letters of Suresh
The way this show is constructed works very well, everything seems to fit, the time jumps, the handing of the baton from one character and actor to another, it’s a lot like a letter, in that like the written words, these performances come together to form a new living organism.

Stage Review - Animals Out of Paper (ReAct/Pratidhwani)
April 30, 2024
Greg Heilman reviews Animals Out of Paper
It uses origami as a metaphor for life, showing what can happen when we let go of the control we have over our lives and let events unfold, and how the experiences that transpire may just teach us a thing or two about each other, and ourselves. It’s well constructed, and nicely presented, and definitely something that is worth taking the time to let unfold in front of you.

Live to Run Another Day: Refugees in the Garden City
March 29, 2023
Omar Willey reviews Refugees for The Seattle Star
All I ask is for artists to keep trying to grapple with interesting questions and offer not solutions but insights. No single play is going to answer the age-old question “Who’s America?” But one might as well ask. Refugees in the Garden City is a solid question.

Refugees in the Garden City Stands out at Taproot Theatre
March 31, 2023
Katherina Ipince Leitner reviews Refugees for Drama in the Hood.
Refugees in the Garden City is definitely worth watching though I would especially recommend it to parents. the middle-aged and older couples who will be more able to relate to the content. Hopefully, you can make it to both the Blue and Green* cast renditions of the play and more effectively explore how each actor approaches the same role differently and consequently creates a different play.

6 Seattle-area Classical Music Picks for Fall 2022
Sept 8, 2022
Pratidhwani's GURU VANDANA gets a mention in Seattle Times' Classical picks.
One of [sarod's] supreme masters was Ali Akbar Khan (1922-2009), honorifically known as Khansahib, whose centennial is being celebrated in a concert (Guru Vandana means “reverence for the teacher”) produced by the nonprofit Pratidhwani, which has been bringing the performing arts of the Indian subcontinent to Seattle for nearly 20 years.

In Comedy ‘Washer/Dryer’, a Tiny Apartment Is the Least of Claustrophobic Forces
Sept 11, 2019
Chase D. Anderson reviews 'Washer/Dryer' by Nandita Shenoy.
Washer/Dryer lets a pair of newlyweds live their lives, without assigning them some higher purpose. If only their families and neighbors would do the same.

Rebel with a cause: An unexpected female hero rises to power in ‘Devi,’ at ACT
Apr 16, 2019
Seattle Times' Tantri Wija introduces 'Devi'
Pratidhwani, a South Asian cultural and performing organization, presents story of a rebel - Devi Chaudhurani, a downtrodden woman who rises up against the British, and is rife with themes of anti-colonialism and a kind of pre-feminist feminism.
Jan 31st, 2019
R. Barron lists out the best theatre in 2018, where 'A Small History of Amal Age 7' finds a spot.
"Was there anyone in the audience who didn’t start eye-watering involuntarily there toward the end? ... A tender show, small (as the title suggests), with a great cast & tremendous direction & movement."
Oct 22, 2018
Miryam Gordon chronicles the best theatre in Seattle in 2018, with Queen finding a double mention in "Smart 'Small' Shows That Made Big Impact" and "Favorite Ensembles", where 'A Small History of Amal Age 7' also finds a spot.
"Queen from Pratidhwani, that used the science behind bee disappearing syndrome to speak about the perils of research funding and the lure of fame and fortune versus the honor of coming clean about likely-undetectable errors due to bias."
Oct 22, 2018
Dusty Somers reviews I and You for CityArts Magazine
"It’s easy to see why I and You, which premiered in 2013, is so popular... Once the play is over, it’s even easier to understand its appeal."
Oct 20, 2018
Marie Bonfils reviews I and You for Drama in the Hood.
"I heartily recommend this play. We have all been teen-agers, and it speaks to their universally confused condition with wit and compassion; but also chooses a contemporary milieu, complete with social media. Also, Seattle audiences do not see such exquisite performances that often."
Oct 22, 2018
"Pratidhwani's mission is to create performing opportunities for artists of South Asian descent. I and You was originally written to be performed by a white actress and a black actor. The playwright's guidance, however, allows for performers of other ethnicities to be cast in it, as long as the two actors are not of the same race", says Kohli. "So naturally, we approached this play from a different lens right from the beginning, and arrived at our casting of an Indian American Caroline, and a Japanese American Anthony."
Sept 29, 2018
R Barron reviews 'Amal' in a two-feature article.
"Amal was developed last year as part of Forward Flux’s salon series. It was beautiful then, and this full production kept all of the magic of the salon version alive and then some."
Sept 28, 2018
Miryam Gordon reviews 'AMAL' by Lindsay Joelle.
"This is a sweet and unexpected play that provides a lot of different aspects to react to. In an unassuming way, subject matter as large as Life and Death becomes accessible to everyone."
Aug 17, 2018
Miryam Gordon reviews Pratidhwani's QUEEN at ACTLab.
"If you love playwriting that crackles with tension and possibility, is laugh out loud funny, and full of surprising emotional twists, and takes on a very topical and important subject all at once, then you need to hie yourself over to ACT Theatre for Pratidhwani's production of Madhuri Shekar's play, Queen."
A Muslim-American family confronts faith, feminism and romance in “The Who & the What”
September 13, 2017
Misha Berson reviews this new co-production with ArtsWest.
"Ayad Akhtar’s 'The Who & the What', at ArtsWest Playhouse, provides insight into the complex dynamics within an affectionate, partially assimilated Muslim-American family, with particular attention to the drive for intellectual and sexual autonomy by young women in that sphere."
This Seattle-based cultural organisation is focused on ensuring that Tagore remains relevant globally
May 07, 2017
Ishani DuttaGupta, Editor, Global Indian with The Economic Times reviews Chitrangada - A Warrior Princess’
"The titular character struggles with identity and self-acceptance; the themes are complex and, despite the 125-year remove from today, socially and politically relevant."

A warrior princess who doesn’t take any guff: Meet ‘Chitrangada,’ at ACT
Apr 20, 2017
City Arts Magazine's Rachel Gallagher reviews Chitrangada - A Warrior Princess’
"The titular character struggles with identity and self-acceptance; the themes are complex and, despite the 125-year remove from today, socially and politically relevant."

A warrior princess who doesn’t take any guff: Meet ‘Chitrangada,’ at ACT
Apr 20, 2017
Seattle Times' Misha Berson introduces 'Chitrangada - A Warrior Princess’
Pratidhwani, a South Asian cultural and performing organization, presents a myth-based music-and-dance performance about gender roles and attraction by one of India’s most famous writers.
‘Dance Like a Man’: An Indian family’s intricate relations on stage

Aug 1, 2015
Seattle Times' Misha Berson reviews: ‘Dance Like a Man’: An Indian family’s intricate relations on stage.
“Dance Like a Man” is a fascinating study of two generations in a family of dancers, by famed playwright Mahesh Dattani of India.
Dance Like A Man” — Not so much dance, but rather, drama
Aug 4, 2015

Andrew Hamlin's review 'Dance Like A Man — Not so much dance, but rather, drama' for NorthWest Asian Weekly.
It is a story of people’s lives defined by dancing, specifically the Bharathanatyam style administered over, in the heavenly realms at least, by Lord Shiva. Bharathanatyam’s own nature also plays a part. How many consider it unmanly, hence the preponderance of women dancers, at the expense of male dancers, even talented ones. How the dance is associated with prostitution. How male dancers sometimes dress up as females. Through the two acts, what it is to be a “man” comes up for questioning. What does a man do?
‘Indian Ink’: Collaboration allows for an authentic world
Aug10, 2015

Roxanne Ray previews Tom Stoppard's Indian Ink, a co-production between Sound Theatre Company and Pratidhwani
Teresa Thuman, Sound Theatre Company’s Producing Artistic Director, credits Pratidhwani with helping to develop the pool of local acting talent. “I believe that this is probably one of the few, if only, non-professional productions of this play that is even possible,” she said. “Most producing companies could only consider this play for production if they had a corps of professionally-trained, ethnically-authentic actors for the roles.” The partnership of Pratidhwani and STC allowed this corps to be assembled from scratch, Thuman said: “With what Agastya has created, we are able to gather actors who are growing in their talent and experience to utilize for the needed authentic world of the play.”
‘Dance Like a Man’ a layered dive into a thrilling experience
Jul 21, 2015

Roxanne Ray previews Pratidhwani's Dance Like a Man by Mahesh Dattani for the International Examiner
The cultural flowering of a society often led to generational conflicts. “India’s political freedom was gained through the efforts of people who had been in many ways steeped in British culture and the youth of the time took on the challenge of reviving India’s cultural traditions,” Rane said. “With no encumbrances, they defined India’s culture in their own right, often causing conflict with the older generation. In some ways, Dance Like a Man is the story of every country, as such upheaval could be compared to the turbulent 1960s in the U.S.”
'Mother in Another Language' shows with humor how cultures and mothers-in-law collide
Feb 24, 2011

Nancy Worssam reviews Pratidhwani's play Mother in another language by Taniya Hossain for the Seattle Times
In this charming play by Taniya Hossain, everyone speaks the same language, but not everyone hears the same thing. It's a lively and funny exploration of the manner in which social and cultural preconceptions color our understandings and precipitate ideological collisions.
Mother in Another Language
Feb 16, 2011

Roxanne Ray previews Pratidhwani's Mother in another Language by Toniya Hossain for the International Examiner
This is a story of misunderstandings, miscommunication, and misinterpretation – some of it driven by individuals, and how they differ from each other. But some of it caused by the differences in their cultural preconceptions and language barriers.